It is estimated that over 60 million people in the United States own a treadmill. Due to the many health benefits of owning one, that is no surprise. However, if you own a treadmill (and use it!) long enough, chances are it will need some type of repair. Calling a professional treadmill repair company in Milwaukee, WI, can ensure that the repair is done quickly, correctly and safely.
Indications that Your Treadmill Needs Repair
Your treadmill may seem like hasn’t been functioning well over time, or you might find that one day it just isn’t working at all. Here are some common signs that it’s time to have your treadmill looked at by a professional so you can have it repaired before it stops working or more damage is done.
• Unusual Noises – If your treadmill starts making squeaking, clunking or grinding sounds and it’s still functioning, you might think it’s alright to wait to have it repaired. However, it’s best that you have it looked at right away if anything sounds abnormal in order to prevent more damage to the machine.
• Burning Smell – You might notice a bad smell If the motor on your treadmill is not working properly. If you notice a burning smell while using your treadmill, stop using it and call for a repair.
• Vibration – When there is a problem with the structure of the treadmill, you will notice that it shakes or moves more than usual. For your safety, you should have your treadmill looked at by a professional since the damage might not be noticeable to the untrained eye.
• Visible Damage to the Belt – If the belt on your treadmill shows any sign of wear or damage, you should call for a repair to ensure the user’s safety.
Common Treadmill Repairs
There are certain problems that arise when there is wear-and-tear on a treadmill, many of which are easily repairable. Here are some of the most common.
• Belt Replacement – As the treadmill belt comes in contact with the machine and the runner, is will start to wear and fray. In addition, it can start to slip, move off-center and loosen, causing a problem with the tension. In this case, the belt can easily be replaced.
• Control Panel Wiring or Replacement – Any time there are electronics involved, there is a chance that something will malfunction. The buttons and display may stop lighting up or working altogether, indicating that there is a wiring problem. A qualified treadmill repair professional can diagnose the problem and extend the life of your machine.
• Frame Repair – Even if the mechanics are working properly, you might find that the treadmill is unstable. This could be a problem with the treadmill hardware that has loosened or cracked. In this case, parts can be replaced and all bolts can be tightened to provide more stability.
• Incline Mechanism – Your treadmill might be working while flat, but will no longer move to an incline position, or you might find that the treadmill is stuck at a certain incline and won’t adjust.
• Motor Replacement – Just like a car’s motor, your treadmill won’t work properly if the motor is worn out. You might find that the incline or speed functions no longer work properly, the machine might start to overheat, or it may stop working altogether. Replacing the motor might be less costly than purchasing a new machine.
When you invest in a treadmill you are also investing in your health. If you find that your treadmill is in need of repair don’t sideline your workout routine by letting it sit idle. Having an experienced treadmill repair specialist in Milwaukee, WI, diagnose and fix the problem is quick and easy.
Most treadmill problems can be avoided with regular maintenance, which Huff-n-Puff Fitness Repair can perform, along with treadmill repair. Call us at 414-246-8921 for residential maintenance and repair and 414-246-8991 for commercial maintenance and repair needs, and find out why we provide amazing value for our customers.